Talk:CP 03031/en

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Financial Terms

There was some confusion over the financial terms used by Proust (titres, "position", etc.). Any suggestions are welcome. (Nstrole)

"Titres" I usually translate as "securites". "Position" (according to Oxford Hachette French Dictionary): Fin[ance] - (Bank) balance. (Yorktaylors)

Some suggestions (with the caveat that I have little understanding of financial terminology) (Yorktaylors)

With your permission -> As per your authorization

brother in law -> brother-in-law

take out stocks from my stockbroker -> withdraw securities through my stockbroker

I wanted to take a "position" afterwards with him -> I wanted to set up a "balance" with him afterwards

in an unspeakable rage -> into an unspeakable rage

The outcome was evident -> The outcome was inevitable

once my positions are liquidated -> once my balance is liquidated

so it’s before my positions are liquidated -> hence before my balance is liquidated

take my business away from others -> take my business elsewhere