Talk:CP 03031/en

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Financial Terms

There was some confusion over the financial terms used by Proust (titres, "position", etc.). Any suggestions are welcome. (Nstrole)

"Titres" I usually translate as "securites". "Position" (according to Oxford Hachette French Dictionary): Fin[ance] - (Bank) balance. (Yorktaylors)

Some suggestions (with the caveat that I have little understanding of financial terminology) (Yorktaylors)

With your permission -> As per your authorization

brother in law -> brother-in-law

take out stocks from my stockbroker -> withdraw securities through my stockbroker

I wanted to take a "position" afterwards with him -> I wanted to set up a "balance" with him afterwards

in an unspeakable rage -> into an unspeakable rage

The outcome was evident -> The outcome was inevitable

once my positions are liquidated -> once my balance is liquidated

so it’s before my positions are liquidated -> hence before my balance is liquidated

take my business away from others -> take my business elsewhere

[Missing text] So it seems that this too was wrong. So please excuse me for so often having good but unachievable intentions or which turn out to do the most damage to your firm, as in the case of my sale.

that they often pave the way to Hell -> that one way or another they often pave the wretched way to Hell

But everything happens -> But anything could happen

For Léon -> As for Léon

there was nothing to do -> nothing more needs doing