Translations:CP 02844/48/en

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  1. From October 1914 Maurice Donnay, Alfred Capus and Gabriel Hanotaux all contributed to the "Une" in Le Figaro, with inflammatory, patriotic and malignant editorials. -Donnay's article of 3 October, entitled "Les Boches" began: "The name is adopted; it means exactly what it says: stupidity and brutality, square heads and flat feet, a rabble!"; in "Contre la grâce" (Against grace), 18 October, he declares: "The Boche are everywhere [etc.]"; see also "On aura des notes" (We must take note), 8 November. From the pens of Capus and Hontaux, on the other hand, we do not find the word "Boche" but a hatred of the German "barbarian": Capus writes of the "passage of their hordes" ("La fausse victoire" (The False Victory), 11 October), and of "their audacity and their barbarity" ("La Femme de Paris" (The Parisian Woman), 13 October, and of their "degrading bestiality",("Roi et Kaiser" (King and Kaiser), 29 October); Hanotaux writes of their "rasping gullet" ("À Calais, à tout prix !" (To Calais at all costs!), 31 October). [FL]