Talk:CP 04853/en

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Revision as of 06:06, 4 October 2023 by Yorktaylors (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Changes made (Yorktaylors) he did not like my books -> the latter did not like my books thought highly of my books -> thought very highly of my books Léon Daudet came to announce -> announce to me it was like receiving a Christmas present in a year where I did not expect to receive any - it was like receiving a New Year's present at Christmas and in a year when no presents had been expected immoral tendencies -> immoral aspects quite involuntarily - quite unintent...")
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Changes made (Yorktaylors)

he did not like my books -> the latter did not like my books

thought highly of my books -> thought very highly of my books

Léon Daudet came to announce -> announce to me

it was like receiving a Christmas present in a year where I did not expect to receive any - it was like receiving a New Year's present at Christmas and in a year when no presents had been expected

immoral tendencies -> immoral aspects

quite involuntarily - quite unintentionally

wait before publishing them -> wait so as to publish them

spent a fortune -> was financially ruined (a somewhat exaggerated claim often made by Proust)

my editor -> my publisher

it is unfortunate to receive prizes at an age where one is more likely to be awarded - [Not 100% sure about this so I just added "awarded them" - open for discussion]

I've ever had the chance to be -> I ever had any chance of becoming

I had not yet sent my book -> haven't yet

I sent an incomplete version -> I didn't send the full set [There wasn't an incomplete version of Jeunes filles en fleurs, but Proust sent 2 copies to Mme de Régnier, a later edition first, then a first edition when he was able to find one]

Please let me know what you think -> yor opinion

without the first editions -> through lack of first editions