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=[https://proust.elan-numerique.fr/letter/03097 Marcel Proust à Lionel Hauser le samedi 13 mai 1916]=  
=[https://proust.elan-numerique.fr/letter/03097 Marcel Proust to Lionel Hauser Saturday 13 May 1916]=
<small>(Click on the link above to see this letter and its notes in the ''Corr-Proust'' digital edition, including all relevant hyperlinks.)</small>
<small>(Click on the link above to see this letter and its notes in the ''Corr-Proust'' digital edition, including all relevant hyperlinks.)</small>

Samedi 13 mai 1916
Saturday 13 May 1916

Mon cher Lionel
My dear Lionel

Je te remercie de vouloir bien veiller ainsi au grain, et admire en même temps que ta double mentalité de natif d'un pays allié (Portugal)<ref name="n1" /> et de Français d'adoption te fasse rechercher avec soin les occasions d'aider M. Ribot, soit par la souscription à l'emprunt national (que les grandes banques conseillèrent, sans la faciliter) soit par le prêt de valeurs neutres<ref name="n2" />. Pour arriver à ces dernières je te rappellerai, ce qui, je comprends n'est pas resté gravé en caractères flamboyants parmi tes plus saisissants souvenirs, que j'ai, sur ton conseil, vendu il y a quelques mois Nord Espagne, Saragosse et Hollandais, valeurs que tu me cites et que je ne possède plus<ref name="n3" />. Par contre je possède les Suez et l'Égyptien (et même du Brésilien). Si le prêt n'empêche pas, ou ne rend pas difficile, la vente, j'y suis très favorable. Mais tu sais que l'Égyptien figure sur ma liste de valeurs don’t la vente doit arriver à rembourser mes dettes au Crédit Industriel<ref name="n4" />. Comme sur cette liste, sauf les valeurs précitées et l'Interborough, le Crédit Industriel, peut-être mou, peut-être contraint, n'a encore rien pu vendre, je ne voudrais remettre mes titres égyptiens au Ministre des finances, que si cela ne m'empêche pas de les vendre pour ne plus payer 8 % d'intérêts, sans compter des « agios » assez obscurs et des intérêts « moratoriés »<ref name="n5" /> (« Dieu qu'en termes gallants ces choses-là sont mises »)<ref name="n6" />. Ne prends pas la peine de me répondre à cet égard. Si tu me dis de prêter au Ministre des finances mes Suez et mes Égyptiens (j'ai aussi du Crédit foncier égyptien), je conclurai que le prêt n'empêche pas la vente et je signerai tout ce que tu m'enverras à signer. Quant à la substitution des titres, le 5 % au porteur ne serait-il pas plus pratique pour le cas où l'extinction de ma dette en demanderait quelques ventes plus tard ? Encore sur ce point ne me réponds pas. Si tu as pour faire accepter cette substitution à intervenir auprès du Crédit Industriel, tu devrais bien par la même occasion leur conseiller de se contenter, après avoir tant gagné à mes dépens, de 6 % (mais sans mettre en cause le Directeur de l'Agence. Sinon je préfère payer 8 %)<ref name="n7" />. À l'occasion j'aimerais que tu me dises si les banques comme la Banque Rothschild et le Crédit Industriel avertissent leurs clients quand ils gagnent des lots. J'ai des foncières, des communales, un bon de la Presse, et ne regarde jamais les tirages. Enfin pour terminer mon pharmacien<ref name="n8" /> me présentant pour fin courant une note formidable<ref name="n9" />, tu serais bien gentil de me faire dire ce que je suis en mesure de faire toucher chez toi.
I thank you for keeping an eye on things, and admire at the same time that your double mentality as a native of an allied country (Portugal)<ref name="n1" /> and as an adopted Frenchman makes you look with care for opportunities to help M. Ribot, either by the subscription to the national loan (that the big banks advise, without facilitating it) or the loan of neutral stocks <ref name="n2" />. To get to the latter, I will remind you, which, I understand has not remained engraved in flamboyant characters between your most striking memoires, that I have, on your advice, sold a few months ago Nord Espagne, Saragosse and Hollandais, stocks that you quoted me and that I no longer possess<ref name="n3" />. On the other hand I have the Suez and Egyptian (and even the Brazilian). If credit doesn’t prevent, or make the sale difficult, I’ll be in favour of it. But you know the Egyptian appears on my list of stocks the sale of which has to reimburse my debts to the Crédit Industriel<ref name="n4" />. As on this list, except the aforementioned stocks and Interborough, the Crédit Industriel, perhaps weak, perhaps strong, has not yet been able to sell anything, I would not like to handover my Egyptian stocks to the Finance Minister, if that does not prevent me from selling them for no longer paying 8% interest, without accounting for quite obscure “agios/overdraft charges” and “moratory” interests <ref name="n5" /> (“God these things are put in gallant terms”) <ref name="n6" />. Do not take pains to respond to me in that regard. If you tell me to offer the Minister of Finances my Suez and my Egyptians (I also have Crédit Foncier Egyptians), I will conclude that the loan does not prevent the sale and I will sign all that you send to me to sign. As for the substitution of securities, would not the 5% bearer bonds be more useful in case extinguishing my debt requires some sales later on? Once again on this point you have not responded to me. If you have to intervene with Crédit Industriel in order to accept this substitution, you really should at the same time advise them to be satisfied, having earned so much at my expense, with 6% (but without implicating the Director of the Agency. Otherwise I would prefer to pay 8%)<ref name="n7" />. At the time I wanted you to tell me if banks like the Banque Rothschild and the Crédit Industriel notify their clients when they pay dividends. I have property shares, municipal shares, a bond from the Presse, and I never watch the drawing of lots. Finally to conclude, my pharmacist <ref name="n8" /> presenting me with an astonishing bill for the end of the year<ref name="n9" />, it would be very kind of you to tell me what I am able to take out of your bank.

Le mystère du Caucasian persiste : le lendemain du jour où j'ai accepté la transaction de Léon il a fait un bond de 10 francs et n'a plus bougé<ref name="n10" />.
The mystery of the Caucasian persists: the day after I accepted Leon’s transaction he made 10 francs on a bond that has not moved since<ref name="n10" />.

Mille affections reconnaissantes de ton
A thousand grateful affections from your

Marcel Proust
Marcel Proust

Revision as of 00:27, 3 October 2023

Other languages:

Marcel Proust to Lionel Hauser Saturday 13 May 1916

(Click on the link above to see this letter and its notes in the Corr-Proust digital edition, including all relevant hyperlinks.)

Saturday 13 May 1916

My dear Lionel

I thank you for keeping an eye on things, and admire at the same time that your double mentality as a native of an allied country (Portugal)[1] and as an adopted Frenchman makes you look with care for opportunities to help M. Ribot, either by the subscription to the national loan (that the big banks advise, without facilitating it) or the loan of neutral stocks [2]. To get to the latter, I will remind you, which, I understand has not remained engraved in flamboyant characters between your most striking memoires, that I have, on your advice, sold a few months ago Nord Espagne, Saragosse and Hollandais, stocks that you quoted me and that I no longer possess[3]. On the other hand I have the Suez and Egyptian (and even the Brazilian). If credit doesn’t prevent, or make the sale difficult, I’ll be in favour of it. But you know the Egyptian appears on my list of stocks the sale of which has to reimburse my debts to the Crédit Industriel[4]. As on this list, except the aforementioned stocks and Interborough, the Crédit Industriel, perhaps weak, perhaps strong, has not yet been able to sell anything, I would not like to handover my Egyptian stocks to the Finance Minister, if that does not prevent me from selling them for no longer paying 8% interest, without accounting for quite obscure “agios/overdraft charges” and “moratory” interests [5] (“God these things are put in gallant terms”) [6]. Do not take pains to respond to me in that regard. If you tell me to offer the Minister of Finances my Suez and my Egyptians (I also have Crédit Foncier Egyptians), I will conclude that the loan does not prevent the sale and I will sign all that you send to me to sign. As for the substitution of securities, would not the 5% bearer bonds be more useful in case extinguishing my debt requires some sales later on? Once again on this point you have not responded to me. If you have to intervene with Crédit Industriel in order to accept this substitution, you really should at the same time advise them to be satisfied, having earned so much at my expense, with 6% (but without implicating the Director of the Agency. Otherwise I would prefer to pay 8%)[7]. At the time I wanted you to tell me if banks like the Banque Rothschild and the Crédit Industriel notify their clients when they pay dividends. I have property shares, municipal shares, a bond from the Presse, and I never watch the drawing of lots. Finally to conclude, my pharmacist [8] presenting me with an astonishing bill for the end of the year[9], it would be very kind of you to tell me what I am able to take out of your bank.

The mystery of the Caucasian persists: the day after I accepted Leon’s transaction he made 10 francs on a bond that has not moved since[10].

A thousand grateful affections from your

Marcel Proust

[11] [12]


  1. Note 1
  2. Note 2
  3. Note 3
  4. Note 4
  5. Note 5
  6. Note 6
  7. Note 7
  8. Note 8
  9. Note 9
  10. Note 10
  11. Translation notes:
  12. Contributors: