Translations:CP 03988/92/en

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  1. Shortly after 13 November 1919 Proust had proposed an article on Flaubert's style to Jacques Rivière, in response to an article by Albert Thibaudet in La Nouvelle Revue Française on the same subject, ("Réflexions sur la littérature : Sur le style de Flaubert," 1 November 1919, p. 942-953): "If it would be agreeable to you to publish a letter by me on Flaubert's style (in response to M. Thibaudet) and on the defective methods by which we judge great writers in general, I could write a very short article or a note (CP 03950; Kolb, XVIII, no. 270). On 5 December Proust announces that he is working on "a long Flaubert," "this enormous Flaubert" (CP 03971; Kolb, XVIII, no. 288). On 8 or 9 December Proust sends Jacques Rivière a sixty page manuscript (CP 03971; Kolb, XVIII, no. 291) which was to appear in the NRF of 1 january 1920 under the title "À propos du 'style' de Flaubert" (p. 72-90). [CSz]