Translations:CP 03024/39/en

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  1. The painful return of "different times, season", is described at length in Cahier 55 starting at f. 62; it is worked around previously written fragments such as the Goncourt pastiche (f. 63-78) and is taken up again from f. 82. Most of it will be cut out and glued into Cahier XII, like this fragment copied out in the letter-dedication ("alors, comme un malade, se plaçant, lui, au point de vue de sa poitrine et de sa toux […] elle se consomme malgré nous chaque jour") (then, like an invalid, who sees things from the point of view of [his body,] his chest and his cough [...] it is consummated every day in spite of ourselves), which was originally to be found after f. 93 of Cahier 55 (Cahier XII, reverse of paper glued into f. 98). Cf. RTP, IV, 65-66. [PK, FL, NM]