Translations:CP 02924/14/en

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  1. Eugénie called Marcel Proust's brother "Monsieur Robert", according to the customs of domestic servants of the time (see P. Guiral and G. Thuillier, La Vie quotidienne des domestiques en France au XIXe, Paris, Hachette, 1978, p. 213). Robert Proust had left for Verdun as medical officer shortly after mobilization and operated there courageously under dangerous conditions: see Proust's letter to Louis de Robert of 3 January 1915 (CP 02890; Kolb, XIV, no. 1) and also the one to Robert de Billy [between 8 and 11 April 1915] (CP 02915 and its note 8; Kolb, XIV, no. 26). [PK, PW, FL]